Taking Control of Your Inbox

Reclaim time and reduce overwhelm by managing email better

If you feel like you can’t get anything done at work because you’re constantly in your inbox, you’re not alone.

The constant dings from Outlook or the notifications on our phones have created a Pavlovian response in us. We’re always looking at our inbox. And once we do, we can’t seem to look away.

In this webinar, you'll learn 7 steps to changing your relationship with email. We'll teach you a system for setting better boundaries so email doesn't take over your day.

You will learn to

  • Check email less

  • Control your notifications so you’re not overwhelmed

  • Optimize your inbox setup

  • Manage the volume of emails you receive

Delivery details

  • 60 minutes

  • Delivered virtually

  • Great for large groups

Great in a series with

  • Winning the Inbox

  • Email Etiquette

"I attended the Take Control of your Inbox webinar last year. I have since put Grace's suggestions into place and have not looked back! I feel so much less daily stress and spend longer chunks of time being productive. I am actually more caught up with my inboxes (I have 5 currently) than I was before the webinar. I would attend it again just to make sure I didn't miss any other brilliant nuggets!"

—Kristina, Marketing Strategist and Speaker